Sunday, October 15, 2006

Easy Kimchi Jjigae

This is the fastest, easiest kimchi jjigae recipe. I make it all the time because I always have the ingredients on hand (it's my favorite Korean dish). It tastes even better the next day.


2 tablespoons oil
1/4 head kimchi (must be old)
kimchi juice
1 can spam, 1 can tuna or sliced pork belly


Tofu - I rarely add it because I don't really like cooked tofu, only raw, But you can add it if you like!


Cut up kimchi into bite size chunks. Heat oil in a pot and saute kimchi. If you're using pork belly, add it at this time. Saute for 5 minutes. Add kimchi juice and enough water to cover the kimchi. Bring to boil. Add sliced spam or tuna and bring heat to low, simmer for another 10 minutes.

Note: Every kimchi batch tastes different, so quantities of kimchi juice will always vary. Start off with 4 tablespoons and add more according to taste. To speed up the fermentation process of your kimchi, leave it out of the fridge for a day or two. Then it'll be ready for you to make kimchi jjigae.

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